We ended our soccer season last Thursday with a less than inspiring game, but we went out afterwards for some excellent barbeque at a place called Rub. A very deserved reward after playing outside in the cold winter air all season. I've decided that I frequent the same restaurant way too often in New York. There are sooo many places to choose from I could probably eat at a new place every time and still not run out. I could even do that with dessert places, there are probably at least a dozen shops dedicated solely to cupcakes, not counting all the bakeries that also sell them. Cupcake shops are a big trend around here, and everyone has their favorite. I have yet to decide, but if anyone wants to come visit for a cupcake tour of NYC I would be happy to guide you.
It snowed on Friday. I thought we might go through the whole winter without any big snows and I was bummed, but we even got to leave work early which was really nice. I walked over to Central Park with my camera to see what I could see.
It's always interesting to have the juxtaposition of trees and nature with so much cityscape. The pond was almost frozen over and people had been throwing snowballs out into it to break through the crust.
It was funny to see some urban sledding going on. I didn't get the best picture, but you can see the one little kid pulling the other down the sidewalk. I'm surprised they had a sled considering the size of most Manhattan apartments, I wouldn't think there'd be room to keep something like that.
Recap Defined
ri•cap 1 (rē-kāp') Pronunciation Key tr.v. ri•capped, ri•cap•ping, ri•caps
1. a summary at the end that repeats the substance of a longer discussion
2. To replace a cap or caplike covering on: recapped the camera lens.
3. Ri - a female given name: derived from Adrienne.
i'm inviting myself to NYC for a tour of cupcakes. and other desserts. let's go get fat!
ReplyDeleteWell, I already invited you, extra poundage here we come!
ReplyDeleteDid somebody say cupcake tour?? hehe
ReplyDeleteHaha everybody's welcome